What makes a Real Estate agent/ salesperson leave you?
It may not be what you think!
Having moved in excess of over 1000 agents to our clients, I can assure you that very few cases were because the agents were unhappy.
Often the first hurdle with the initial recruitment call will be the “I am happy where I am” or the “ I am loyal “ objection.
However, all it takes is the perception of a better opportunity to secure the first meeting.
When agents are happy to meet they often go straight back and tell their Principal. This gives the Principal a false sense of security.
Once the agent has had the meeting their minds will start to ponder the wheels of change.
what convinces the agent to move?
When an agent moves it means the competing Principal has presented a more attractive Value Proposition.
The ability to sell a concept and entice a person to your company is the ultimate in sales persuasion.
Selling your business plan, leadership style and culture is critical to your business. Without these skills many Principals are left wondering why their agents move.
The inability to attract agents with great market share is the lack of a structured recruitment programme.
So why do many of the leading Real Estate Businesses throughout Australia & New Zealand partner with CARR CONSULTING for their growth success?
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